Grants for Local Providers
The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) requires that states conduct multi-year competitions for AEFLA funds. Local adult education providers must be organizations that have demonstrated effectiveness in providing adult education and literacy activities and may include: local education agencies (LEAs); community-based organizations (CBOs) or faith-based organizations (FBOs); volunteer literacy organizations; institutions of higher education (IHEs); public or private nonprofit agencies; libraries; public housing authorities; other nonprofit institutions that have the ability to provide literacy services to adults and families; consortia of the agencies, organizations, institutions, libraries or authorities previously described or a partnership between an employer and an agency previously described.
Regulations found at 34 CFR Part 463 Subpart C clarify the statutory requirements for states to follow in awarding funds to eligible providers. OCTAE has also created a Determining Applicant Eligibility When Conducting a State Competition for AEFLA Funds technical assistance guide which provides information about applicant eligibility to apply for federal AEFLA funds, as well as information about State responsibilities to evaluate applicant eligibility. The guide also contains a State Application Review Guide that may be used by a State to evaluate whether its application for AEFLA funds meets federal requirements to determine the eligibility of AEFLA applicants.
Contact your state eligible agency to learn more about how to apply for AEFLA funds as an eligible provider.